Eureka CBC 2019 Results

by Lewis Young The 27th annual Eureka Christmas Bird Count was held on Saturday December 14 in moderate weather that ranged from 28°F to 32°F. Koocanusa Reservoir was unfrozen as were the streams but smaller lakes and ponds were frozen. Foggy weather in the morning confronted the 25 people that went to the field as…

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Bigfork CBC 2019 Results

by Craig Hohenberger The 46th annual Bigfork Christmas Bird Count was held Saturday, December 14th, under cloudy skies, periodic “snow bands,” and relatively calm conditions all day. Snow depths were non-existent and/or limited to the higher eastern edges of the count circle; temperatures ranged from 31-39 degrees F.  Rivers and lakes were mostly open and…

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Conservation Educator’s Niche – January 2020

by Denny Olson I’m spoiled I’ve always been a student of nature, gleaning factoids and evaluating the quality of evidence about the health of our wild environment. I’ve been able to teach what I have learned – about in equal measure to my continuing efforts as a student – to literally hundreds of thousands of…

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Finches with Eye Disease are in the Flathead – What You Should Do

by Linda Winnie At the December FAS meeting, several people reported seeing House Finches with infected eyes at their feeders – partially or fully closed, red, swollen, or crusty. Most likely these birds were suffering from avian conjunctivitis, a bacterial infection that can affect any songbird, but occurs frequently in finches. If you see a…

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