Flathead Valley Bird Report – December 2022

by Dan Casey Rare and Notables – Oct/Nov 2022 Well, the unseasonably warm weather came to a rather abrupt halt in mid-October. By mid-November, the Sandhill Cranes had left, Tundra Swans and Snow Geese were passing through, and Rough-legged Hawks were here in good numbers. White-winged and Surf Scoters graced Foy’s Lake and scattered individual…

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November 2022 presentation on Becoming a Kid Again: FAS education program available for replay!

At our November 2022 General Meeting, our Conservation Educator, Denny Olson shared his history, our approach to education, and our exciting vision moving forward to get kids outside and in touch with the wonderful outdoor classroom we have in them Flathead Valley. Click on the video below to watch the presentation. Thanks again Denny for…

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Flathead River in Paint Auction Supports Owen Sowerwine Conservation Project

On November 9, the Flathead Land Trust, with its partners Flathead Lakers and Flathead Audubon Society, hosted the “Flathead River in Paint” auction event at Montana Modern Fine Art on Main Street in Kalispell. The event featured outstanding original “plein air” paintings by 14 local artists of iconic river, farm, and wetland landscapes of the…

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Conservation Educator’s Niche – November 2022

by Denny Olson Owen Sowerwine Our Local Outdoor Classroom  A couple of days ago, I led a small group of three on a field trip to Owen Sowerwine, that roughly 442-acre parcel of State School Trust land located along the Stillwater and Flathead Rivers just east of Willow Glen near Kalispell. The trip emphasized the…

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Field Trip Summary – Bison Range

by Darcy Thomas  A small group of four birders spent a lovely Indian Summer Day at the Bison Range. Our bird count was not large (23 taxa) but was varied as we saw both resident birds and migrators. The list included Red Crossbills, Evening Grosbeak, Townsend Solitaire, eagles, hawks, harriers, kestrel, kinglets, siskins, nuthatches, chickadees…

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