Tag: Western Tanager
Auction items available at 2022 May annual meeting
in NewsOur Annual Meeting is coming up May 9th with Potluck and Silent Auction in the Gathering Place, Gateway East and United Way. Over the last two years, we have accumulated […]
Trip to Flathead Lake Bio Station
in NewsBy Doug MacCarter. On a beautiful June 19th, fifteen scientifically curious folks met at the Flathead Lake Biological Station to learn about birds and research conducted at the University of […]
Field Trip Report: Lost Trail NWR
By Margaret Parodi. Seventeen people participated in the Flathead Audubon field trip to the Lost Trail National Wildlife Refuge (northwest of Marion) on June 19. Participants met at the refuge […]
Western Tanager
By Melissa Sladek From my office window, I see him. His stark contrast with the dark and light greens of the surrounding forest catches my eye. Today, he is busy…I’ve […]